Isn’t this just the sweetest nostalgic display? It’s a vintage cameo brooch artistically framed by Lisa Carpenter and for sale at her Nouveau-Tique Etsy Shop. Its small size and unobtrusive coloring make it suitable for pretty much any setting or style of decor. It will add a bit of elegance to an uninspired office cubicle, or provide a touch of charm on an end table or empty space over a light switch. I can also see it added to a wall display of family photos to provide an artistic counterpoint. And, at just 3-1/2″ x 3-1/2″, its the perfect size to fit in a suitcase to bring a bit of home to hotel weary business travelers. It’s just one of several framed vintage jewelry pieces Lisa has for sale, along with jewelry and other items she has created. So click on over to Nouveau-Tique and check them out for yourself.
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